Sunday, August 18, 2013

A lot to take in

So First thing the contest happen  And I got 3rd in street... Oh and I also took rookie of the year, best trick, and 1st in vert. i pulled off a kick-flip mctwist 900                                                                      

Which was how i won by the way What a lode off it was amazing. and will that trick was why i thought my wish changed me it made me lighter and i was able to spin faster. But i found out something my wish didn't change me. If you haven't guessed I made Jess cry because I asked her out and she felt so bad because she was a lesbian and hated hurting my feelings. She wished i was a girl  so we could date. She never told me Till now because she thought i would hate her she also wanted to wait till i won so i would use the wish to do better. Needless to say I was so happy . so we are going out now Being a girl has only been a good thing for me i guess I got lucky I could only guess the shit that could happen because of it.
Because i won a lot of teams want me but i picked the one here i like it here. oh and two more things happened. I meet Carolyn and she told me about her and Tonya and Bree and others were like me guys who became girls. Also Tonya knew about me she had read the blog. Hi Tonya. She said girls like us would want each other so that me and Bree was not as bad As I thought. I wish i had known before all of this but I know now. Oh and Me and Jess both work for Carolyn as models now. I asked her if I could get some PICS and she told us we work for her now just like that. What did i just get my self in to.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Was it wrong when it felt so right

So that girl i meet Bree turns out she is okay and not a bad person well kind of but I'll get to that. Turns out she was a friend of Tonya who was taking care of her while she was hurt. By the way Tonya looked awful  I couldn't stand it. Bree as it turns out is also her lover a fuck buddy if you will. And that's my problem. I went to help Bree and we were done in no time Then  We... Oh what do i care no one reads this We had sex. I don't know what to think. Tonya is my friend and I just had sex with her lover. And I don't want to think what Jess will think about this if she found out but she doesn't want me and i do know she is a lesbian so i don't know what is up with her but guess I'm too much of a sister to her. Though enplanes why she said no when i was a guy. But yeah i had sex my first time as a girl hell i haven't played with my self to much. it felt so good but now i feel dirty. But how can i reset this?
She is so hot. I'm the worst. 

worst day ever

Hi It's Monday August the 12th. I was hoping i could tell you guys i won by now but when we got there it was storming and has been moved back. one cool thing while messing with my phone i found i could get it to record my voice and type. Say hi Jess.
"Hi jess"

Your so goofy sometimes. And yes it knows when someone else is talking and changes the color of the text, coll phone. Will we got invited to stay over at one of the other skaters place she had trophies and shit damn i always  feel hopeless when i talk to them but then Jess cheerers me up. 

"It's what i do that and fix your shitty van... and beat the girls in the derby."

Whatever you say we are going back to the lovely Tonya's place we were out for a few days but  I left her a message saying we were going to be out Jess be driving my awesome van. we went around and saw the town. Oh woot we're here now. 

Who are you?

"Umm... Who are you is the better question???" 

We are Heather and Jess. We are staying here. We Are two people. You are one person. She Is a derby girl and I have a skate board. If you are trying to steal stuff. We can kick your ass.

"Well, is that right? I'm not really that scared. I can hold my own."

I have enough cash to get another one if i break it.

"Settle down Tiger... No one has to get hurt..."

this is my friends...

"And keep it down when you try to kick my ass, Tonya's asleep and badly hurt..."

You hurt her. Jess Kick the shit out of her.

"Wait! Good lord!!! You two seem to be looking for trouble... Geez! I'm Bree and I'm here taking care of Tonya. She was hurt in a boxing match. I've been friends a lot longer with her than you have. She told me about you. Sorry about your van breaking down..."

Is that true? 

 "i don't think she is lying." 

"I'd believe her if I were you..."

"I'm going to check on her"

Your name is Bree right?

"Yep, that's what I said. And hey, 'Jess,' do not wake her up when you go in there!"

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The new girls in town

So when we got to where the contest Was and my wonderful van broke down. but the day was saved when a very pretty woman named Tonya on of all thing roller blades 'People use them for thing other then derbies. I know what the fuck?' She offered us a place to stay since I haven't found one I'm there now and hung over but I will get there. She Also gave us a ride in a very pretty car that Jess was drooling over .
We got to  the contest or the park it was going to be at after talking a bit  she thought me and Jess was a cute couple. Oh i Wish it was true. Sadly and i had to tell her no Jess just doesn't see me like that and as far as I know she isn't a lesbian. when we got there I ran to sigh in. once i did i found out something about the other people and myself I was the only noob.  I was freaking out they seamed so much better then me.  Then my friends came and Tonya was trying to make me feel better but it was Jess who knew the one dumb thing to say to make me feel good. I  tore it up too I am so going to win. we then went and got food and i got very drunk good thing I'm a I love you drunk. then i woke up in her room without my clothes on but i always sleep in the nude. she has a nice place. 
See and yes my tattoos changed too. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Rode trip

So this is my story And It may be strange but Some times you just roll with it.