Saturday, September 3, 2016

Holy shit it's been 2 years!

Will If my 2 fans waited for this long i guess i should just list all the bullshit that happened. I kind of forgot about the vlog

My manger for the skateboarding was pushing me too hard.
I was unable to spend time with Jess
molding kept me too busy
I was unable to spend time with Jess
I got tired at a show and crashed on my board.
Broke my leg.
I was able to spend time with Jess
manger wanted double the work out of me to make up for lost time...
I was unable to spend time with Jess
Me and Jess had a fight.
it was my fault
she moved out
fired my manger {still looking for a new one}
Tonya took me to the  beach

me and tonya did this

Me and tonya had sex on the beach
Jess saw
she was going to give me another shot
She changed her mind
Tonya saw that i wanted Jess more
Tonya got mad
Guess who doesn't talk to me
I got a dog

his name is max
Max still loves me
So yeah sorry if any thing happens ill try and remember but who knows i don't want to promise any more i'll just fuck it up like everything else.